Interlocking triangles tattoo
Interlocking triangles tattoo

The Lakota symbol represents the concept of earth-sky mirroring that was used to guide tribes on their travels. In fact, the name is derived from a powerful tribe that lived in the Great Plains. The Lakota symbol is revered in the indigenous cultures of North America. It is intended to represent each of the entities that comprise the ultimate deity, as well as the eternity of the Holy Trinity. In the center of the symbol is Deus (God). The classic shield consists of a downward triangle with the Latin words Pater (Father), Filius (Son), and Spus scus (Holy Spirit) on each point. The shield of trinity, (scutum Fidei), is a traditional Christian symbol that depicts the Holy Trinity. The Heaven MU symbol is said to represent heaven and the all-seeing eye of the Triune God. Some scholars even believe Mu to be an island that was inhabited by a technologically advanced race.

interlocking triangles tattoo

The Heaven MU symbol is thought to have originated as an Ancient Mayan hieroglyph. This symbol was also used to represent the power of Viking practitioners and shamanists, who were said to be able to control people’s minds and bind their fates. It is believed to represent fertility and rebirth. The Valknut (knot of the slain), is a mysterious Nordic symbol made up of three interlocking triangles. The symbol consists of an OM (meaning universe and unity) atop an inverted triangle and a lotus flower (symbolizing enlightenment). Located between the eyebrows, this chakra can bring harmony to your mind, body, and spirit. The third eye symbol is revered in Indian spiritual traditions because it is regarded as the doorway to the Divine. Its name means ‘purest’ as it is the energy center that is believed to purify our mind, body, and spirit. The throat chakra governs expression, communication, and personal growth. Its primary color is aquamarine, and it has 16 petals that represent human characteristics (Vrittis) such as compassion and pride. Vishuddha chakra symbolĪccording to Tantra tradition, the Vishuddha chakra (Sanskrit for “throat”) is the fifth primary chakra. The Manipura chakra is a powerful symbol of purification and transformation that can help us find our true sense of purpose. The ten petals (or pranas) symbolize the ten vital forces that nourish all functions in the human body. It refers to the solar plexus which is closely associated with personal power and self-esteem. The Manipura chakra symbol is an inverted red triangle surrounded by ten petals and enclosed in a bright yellow circle. The dot in the center (Bindu) is believed to signify the highest level of consciousness that can be achieved, and the point from which all creation began. The symbol also represents the Anahata (heart) chakra which stands for wisdom, love, and compassion. In Hinduist cultures, the Shatkona is a six-pointed star that represents the union of male and female. Simply sit and meditate in front of this symbol while focusing on your goals, to attract prosperity and abundance into your life. Together, they form a powerful symbol that is said to help you fulfill your dreams. The four triangles pointing upwards represent Shiva (masculine energy), while the five triangles pointing downwards represent Shakti (feminine energy). The Sri Yantra is an ancient Hindu symbol, composed of nine interlocking triangles. As a whole, the symbol represents creation within the circle of eternity – it symbolizes life itself.

interlocking triangles tattoo

The addition of a complete circle is said to represent unity. The equilateral triangle is a well-known Deity symbol that has been used by nearly every religion since Ancient Egyptian times. Wherever you look, you will see the number three reflected in nature, making triangles the ultimate symbols of completeness.

interlocking triangles tattoo

Other popular meanings of the three triangle points include the mind, body, and spirit, as well as the past, present, and future. Similar versions can be found in Hinduism and Paganism to represent the Divine in its threefold nature.

interlocking triangles tattoo

The Christian holy trinity, which represents the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is perhaps the most well-known of these. The three points of a triangle are also significant but their meanings differ slightly between religions. Therefore, they symbolize the stages of growth that ultimately lead to enlightenment. Triangles are wide at the base and taper to a point at the tip. If any symbol(s) in this list resonates with you, you can use it in your life to help you in your own spiritual journey. In this article let’s look at 28 spiritual triangle symbols and their meaning and their significance to cultures around the world. The triangle has been used as a symbol of spiritualism and enlightenment since the dawn of human civilization.

Interlocking triangles tattoo