By default the convergence or "zero" point where the lasers would intersect was set 500 meters in front of the X-wing. The laser cannons could be fired singly, in alternating pairs or all at once. The craft was armed with four Taim & Bak KX9 laser cannons, placed at the tip of each wing. When traveling high in a planet's upper atmosphere, an X-wing could achieve speeds fast enough to cause the pilot's head to swim and their vision to glitter. Doing so put tremendous strain on the starfighter and the pilot themselves however: after just several minutes of maneuvering at these velocities, gradual system failures began and even the cannons themselves were at risk of melting from the heat. Indeed, with the engines at maximum thrust an X-wing could travel so fast it would glow hot from atmospheric friction. While listed with a maximum atmospheric speed of 1,050 kph, the X-wing could otherwise fly at supersonic speeds. S-foils in attack position provided the X-wing with additional stabilizer surfaces during air travel. Painted stripes on the rear of the S-foils identified each craft.

Under the X-wing was a cargo compartment, a repulsorlift, and three reinforced landing legs to protect the craft from rough landings and take-offs. The cockpit had flight controls similar to those of the T-16 skyhopper, an airspeeder also produced by Incom Corporation, along with a targeting computer with holographic imaging system. With the S-foils open in attack position, the craft had a greater spread of fire as opposed to whilst shut. The S-foils were controlled by an S-foil servo actuator located in the back of the starfighter. This gave the craft its distinctive "X"-like appearance when viewed from the front or rear. Normally, the foils on each side locked in place flush against each other during combat, however, the foils were folded out. It had two pairs of wing-like strike foils, or S-foils, mounted at the rear of the craft on opposite sides. The X-wing was classified as a starfighter, specifically a snub-fighter due to its size.

This included outmaneuvering the TIE fighter, which was otherwise faster and more maneuverable than the X-wing in space. Unlike other starfighters the X-wing could excel in atmospheric flight. It was designed to excel in all aspects of starfighter combat, being highly maneuverable and heavily shielded, with a small profile that made it harder to hit. The T-65B X-wing starfighter was manufactured by Incom Corporation. " My first time out, I didn't know an S-foil from a nose cone." ―"Red Three"